Saturday, June 13, 2009

The 2nd Mystery Read-A-Thon

So, Marleen and I have been talking about a date for the second Mystery Read-A-Thon and it is...

August 8-9, 2009

So yes, it's two days, Saturday and Sunday, this time around as we feel that that way we all have a better chance at meeting the 12 hour goal - even though we might have a few plans like a birthday, work or other appointments.

The goal is to once again read msteries and thrillers for 12 hours. It is your decision whether you're going to fill part of those 12 hours with audio books or whether you're sticking to the paper kind altogether.

Otherwise, please check back here every now and then throughout the read-a-thon, as we'll have a few memes for you - more than for the first one!

Now, as I am not sure Mr. Linky is working or not, please just leave a message in the link section saying that you'll participate and maybe leave a link to your blog post.

If you have any questions, feel free to write us at dreamworldofabookaholic[AT]googlemail[DOT]com !


  1. I will plan to participate again :) I'll post something on my blog when it gets closer. In the meantime, I've posted this to the Novel Challenges blog and group :)

  2. I couldn't do the last one but I want to join this time. Thank you.

  3. I too am in. This time I will plan about in advance.

  4. YES! I'm totally going to join in this time. I have piles of mysteries to read. :)

  5. I'm in and I should have a blog by August.

  6. Awesome! I'll definitely be participating again. I'm moving the week before and will probably need a break from moving stress.

  7. I'm glad you'll be joining us again, Christina and Ruth!
    Christina, have fun setting up your blog :-)

  8. Count me in, too! My TBR pile is dangerously high, so maybe two days of reading can take a book or two or three off the top.

  9. Count me in, too! Two days of reading. Woohoo! That's probably the only vacation I'm getting this year. But it's my ideal vacation. Except that I'll be at home, not on a nice beach somewhere.

  10. Betty, glad you take this as a vacation. And I agree, it's an ideal vacation. I can't wait for the next read-a-thon :-D

  11. Okay, I think I can participate this time around. August is much quieter than June around here.

  12. I've been working hard on upgrading my blog.
    Now I'm ready for reading. Count me in!


    New blog name

  13. I just read about this second mystery read-a-thon on Wendy's blog and I am so hoping that I can be a part this go around. I have many, many mysteries on my TBR list and this would be the perfect excuse to start reading some of them!

  14. Hiya, I will be doing the read a thon again this weekend. I have a few committments so I may have to split the time up and not do it is a 12 hour run unfortunately, but I will keep tabs on how long I read for each day. Looking forward to it...

  15. I just joined. I will plan to participate ( as much as I can) on August 8/9

  16. I am a super late joiner but here I am! Updates will be on my site -- Yay!

  17. Fhinoa, Glad you are able to join in again. And like you, I won't be doing a 12 hour stretch either. But, I will get in the 12 hours of the weekend, and that's what it's all about.

  18. Nancy, I'm delighted you're joining in this weekend. And don't worry about the times too much, it's not an exact science, but rather an opportunity to do some serious mystery reading. I hope you'll enjoy the experience.

  19. Thanks Marlene,
    I am hoping I can get 12 hours in but I will get as many as i can.

  20. I will participate. I am trying to Finish Mystery of Edwin Drood and that qualifies. It might take me the whole twelve hours to do it lol.

  21. I am just testing this message as being new. I plan to read as much as I can this weekend.

  22. Nancy, it's good to see you're messages are getting through now. How are you enjoying the experience?

  23. Marlene,
    I am enjoying very much. However I probably will only get in about 8 hours and some of that was to finish Tara Road which was not a mystery so hope that was okay. I just needed to know how it ended. I have started Paranoia which is a thriller/mystery but may only get in 2-3 more hours. But it is a beginning and it has been fun to participate for my first one.
